Any member who is in good standing and who has been a member of the Association for at least one consecutive year immediately preceding the announcement of an election is eligible to be an officer as noted in Article V section 8 of the NYSPIA by-laws. Members interested in running for the position of “Secretary/Treasurer” must complete the Nomination and Affirmation forms. Both of these forms are located below.
The nominating position must contain twenty-five (25) signatures of members eligible to vote in the election. Any member eligible to vote in the election may sign a petition for a candidate. However, a member may only sign a petition for one (1) candidate. Only original signatures will be accepted. Each signature line must be filled out completely with the member’s identification information. Any signature line not completed may result in the disqualification of that signature. The member that has been nominated must confirm with his signature on the nomination petition that he/she will agree to serve the required term of the office if elected.
The completed petitions must be postmarked by the closing date of the nominating period or may be hand delivered to Association Headquarters prior to the close of business on the last day of the nominating period.
It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure his/her nominating petition is accurately completed and filed within the nominating period.
All nominations for the position of “SECRETARY/TREASURER” must be received by COB, Monday, March 24, 2025.
Any questions may be directed to the NYSPIA Office at 518-436-0120.
Affirmation Form Sec-Treas 2025
Nomination Form Sec-Treas 2025